Lion Farm Action Centre

Investing in the Community

Lion Farm Action Centre


We are proud to work in partnership with FareShare.

Free surplus food available during the week subject to availability.

How FareShare works: Hundreds of thousand s of tonnes of good food is wasted by the UK food industry every year. At the same time, millions of people are struggling to afford to eat. Our work addresses these two issues by redistributing food industry surplus, which would otherwise go to waste, to the people who need it most. Find facts and figures on food waste and hunger in the UK

How we fight hunger and food waste

FareShare Apple

We save good food from going to waste…

Tens of thousands of tonnes from the food industry.

FareShare locations across the UK

…redistribute it around the UK…

We reach 1,960 towns and cities.

FareShare Charity

…to charities and community groups…

10,943 of them including children’s clubs, homeless hostels and refuges.

FareShare Bowl of Food

…who turn it into meals for vulnerable people.

Last year we redistributed enough food for 46.5 million meals.